Two things that we wanted to try in Bangkok were the Thai massages and getting a custom suit made. For half of what you would pay in the states I had a custom suit, shirt and tie made in only 2 days time, and for $15 each Sabrina and I received 2 hour Thai massages. It was a nice way to end our second day in Bangkok, that is, until we ran out of cash. After paying for the massages we ran out of Thai Baht and didn't even have enough money to take the sky train back to the hotel (30 Baht = $1)...we didn't have $1. We ended up walking all the way back to our hotel, needless to say Sabrina wasn't too happy with me.
Suit Fitting (Peninsula Tailors)
Thai Massages (Health Land Spa)
The beautiful clothing they had us change into to get our massages |
Our walk back to the hotel
Suit looks great Max! And how were the massages? Hahaha...don't we always say you need to carry cash! I'm with Sabrina on this one!!!