Monday, December 24, 2012

December 23: SCUBA Diving at Sail Rock

Sail Rock

Prior to traveling to Thailand we had heard that the SCUBA diving here was fabulous and we could see things here that we wouldn't anywhere else in the world.  I booked a dive trip with Discovery Dive Center (mostly because the owner is a Jets fan), to dive at Sail Rock.  Sail Rock is a dive site about 1 hour from Koh Samui by speed boat, and boasts a wide range of sea life that congregate around the rock.  One of the main draws of the site is that you can swim through a chimney starting at 15m and going up to 10m. Unfortunately because of the strong currents and rocky ocean water we were only able to do one dive at Sail Rock and the chimney was too dangerous. We did our second dive at Koh Maa which was much shallower and had much less visibility. Overall we had a mixed experience diving but we are glad we did it.

An enormous Moray Eel

Sea Urchin

A view looking up Sail Rock


The grumpiest fish in the ocean. I don't think he liked having his picture taken.

1 comment:

  1. My Darling children ,
    The four of us looked at your fabulous pictures , under sea.
    We miss you and are glad we can follow your journey on a daily basis.
    Kisses and hugs ,
    Mam, Dad, Brian , and Vanessa.
